Sunday, August 18, 2013

Circuit Riders to San Francisco!!

In just a couple of weeks I will be attending a seminar called The Circuit Rider school for 1 week followed by a 2 week trip to San Francisco to evangelize!! The Circuit Rider seminar is a 1 week training course inspired by a man called John Wesley who encountered God in 1703 and started the Methodist revival and a man called Francis Asbury who carried the message of the gospel on horseback thousands of miles across America!!! The seminar has been running all summer in Fiji, Lancaster, PA, Kansas City, Missouri, and will hit LA before returning to Kona, Hawaii in September. So far they have seen a radical move of God break out and thousands healed and saved!!!!

I'm so excited to attend the seminar and carry the torch of revival to San Francisco!!! The plan is to work closely with the YWAM base in the Castro district downtown which is said to be a hot spot for prostitution and drugs. We beleive that we will see people healed, saved, and set free as they encounter the simple gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please partner with me in prayer for this trip!! That God will prepare hearts to receive this message!!

Also please prayerfully consider partnering financially with me. I need to raise about $2,000 for this trip. Any amount would help me out!!!

If you would like to donate you can:

1. click on the paypal link o the bottom right of this page.
2. visit my Missions Account page (you will receive a tax deductible receipt):

For more information on The Circuit Riders School visit:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Austin Outreach!!!

Every quarter the leadership track does a short outreach also called a "strike". The purpose of these strikes is to carry our heart for intercession, worship, Godly community, and spirit led lifestyle to the nations. This quarter we are going to Austin, Texas!!! At first I wasn't at all interested in going. But, once i prayed I knew i was meant to go and now I am so excited for what he is going to do through our team there!! 

The trip:

A team of 9 staff will be there from June 19th to July 1st. The Lord has already provided free housing, tons of ministry opportunites, and casseroles made by amazing southern hospitable women!! 

We will be working with a local church: 

~teaching and worshiping with the youth group
~having prayer and worship evenings
~doing a 24 hour burn which is praying and worshiping for 24 straigh hours for the city
~working with, discipling, and encouraging the youth group from the church
~preaching and teaching
~helping the leaders of the new ywam base to fix up their building and serve them any other way we can
~possibly helping with the Tabernacle of David worship conference that just happened to fall on the weekend we are there!!
~spending as much time as possible praying over the city at the local house of prayer
~doing as much local outreach as we can in the city sharing Gods heart with whoever he leads us to

Our main goal is to be as intentional as we can with our time since we have a very short time and lot's that we want to accomplish.

Please pray for the team for unity, specific vision from the Lord, and divine encounters.

I am in need of $1,460.00 for my plane ticket and ground fees.

If you would like to donate,  there is a link to my paypal at the bottom right hand corner of this page.

Or you can donate through my missions account using this link: